
 Hello Blog...This is your blogger, blogging
 Still alive...still full of hope
I'm full of rage. Anger. Hate. Envy. Despair.  Disappointment multiplied by oblivion.  Rage. Anger. Hate. Envy. Despair. Its not funny anymore....
Sitting on the dock of the bay...wasting time... Disappointment. The usual 🤣😭 Success is linked to money...and the end is coming  I regret....
..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Bracing for another disappointment 😂😭
A lot of things in life depend on how we look... Imagine if we all looked the same? ***UPDATE*** ...These lyrics just came to me. How depressing 😧 I need to be a different man I'm sick and tired of me I can't seem to find another plan I'm sinking down the hole 😭